Meteorological Measurements

Description: An automatic weather station (AWS) is a meteorological station where measurements are made and recorded automatically using a data logger. The frequency of the measurement is felxible and can be changed to almost any interval the user would like. Data Telemetry is most often a part of the AWS, where data is transmitted over various forms of radio communication back to the users location in real or near -real-time. AWS have given the user the ability to expand the monitoring networks spatial coverage into more remote areas where hisotrically would have been difficult to perform through manual measurement. Data can now be collectied outside the hours of the manual recorders working hours and eliminate error in manual logging. AWS systems still need routine maintenance where equipment is cleaned and calibrated. Not all sensors or equipment in an AWS are made equally. There are numerous manufacturars and the quality of the equipment and specifications vary drastically. It is important to make sure the equipment is durable for your environment and meets the accuracy and resolution that you require. Measurment parameters commonly measured in an AWS include: Temperature, Relative humidity, solar radiation, precipitation, wind speed, and wind direction

Costs USD Lower: $5,000

Costs USD Upper: $25,000

Accessories: ACCESSORIES



