Fluid Snow Pillow

Description: Snow pillows are envelopes of either stainless steel or synthetic rubber containing antifreeze solution. Multiple snow pillows can be piped together to increase the measruement surface area of the snow pillow. As the snow accumulates on the pillows, pressure is exerted on the pillow. This pressure is measured by a pressure transducer that is typically stored away from the snow pillow in a protected environment such as an enclosure or housing. Knowing the surface area of the pillow and the pressure exerted by the snow, the sensor converts the data to snow water equivalent (SWE). The installation of the procedure is more labor intensive than other SWE measurement devices. Antifreeze must be brought in to fill the pillows and significant preparation work is required to ensure the pillow is level with the ground.

Costs USD Lower: $2,000

Costs USD Upper: $10,000

Accessories: Antifreeze

Advantages: Equipment is less expensive than other SWE systems

Disadvantages: Infrastructure and packing of material and antifreeze is more difficult than fluid less snow pillows. Bridging may occur that the snow pillow may not fully be able to measure
