Fluidless Snow Pillow

Description: Fluidless snow pillows are SWE measurement devices that are relatively newer to the industry over the past decade, though the technology itself has been around for decades. Fluidless snow pillows are based on load cell technology, using the same philosophy as most scales on the market. A load cell snow pillow typically comes with a top plate which is supported by a varying number of strain gauge load cells. When snow accumulates on the top plate, a force is applied to the supporting load cells. The resistance changes when weight is applied due to the change in length of the strain gauge. This resistance is output in an electronic signal which is amplified and conditioned before being measured in SWE. Fluidless snow pillows are relatively easier to install compared to fluid snow pillows. There is no need for hauling antifreeze and the site preparation tends to be less labor intensive.

Costs USD Lower: $5,000

Costs USD Upper: $12,000

Accessories: ACCESSORIES

Advantages: Easier to install than the fluid snow pillow

Disadvantages: Bridging may occur over the fluidless snow pillow that the sensors may not be able to identify.

