Training Materials

Training materials and resources are increasingly available through online courses and webinars. Some of the free-to-use resources are described here:


  • USAID has established a series of online training resources on sustainable tourism. These include courses on tourism and conservation, project development, destination management, tourism investment and finance, enterprise development, scientific, academic, volunteer and educational travel and also case studies from the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Mali, Montenegro, and Uganda. The course on Tourism and conservation – sustainable models and strategies provides online course workbook that focuses particularly on sustainable marine tourism. It provides guidance on business planning, operations and management, staff training and sales and marketing (see Figure 10). All of the other courses can be applied to a variety of forms of tourism, including NBT.


Figure 10 : Contents of Tourism and conservation – sustainable models and strategies
Picture 11


Also, the Travel Foundation has produced a case study on Whale shark guide training in Mexico , that was conducted to help boat trip operators conserve them.


Relevant webinars on elements of NBT include the following: